Saturday, July 28, 2007

here's to clarifing 50 things about me...

1- i hate starting and finishing a project but i love the middle part
2-my clothes are waded up in my drawers
3- sometimes i think my left shoulder is higher than my right
4- i get anxious before i go to church or any large social event
5- people are probably tired of reading 50 things about me's
6-i like to fish, but i don't bait my hook or take the fish off either julie
7- i want to cut my hair but something keeps stoping me
8- i get frustrated with timmy turner and the choices he makes
9- i am an unfortunate driver
10- i love mcdonalds, zaxbys and jacks for their fries
11- i hate the first 10 min. of every day
12- i relate to new christine
13-i think about God more than i talk to Him
14- i saw the movie hairspray yesterday
15- i am thankful for segregation
16- my first real crush was on a black guy down the street
17- i have never waxed my lip but i am thinking it might be time
18-i like my second grade school picture, it was a good year for me
19- 5th grade was hard for me
20- i like the beds being made, except i am ok with the top bunk being left undone
21- i hate for my feet to be wet in shoes, even flip flops
22- i like the feeling right after i blow dry my hair
23- i wish i had a good hardy laugh
24- in college i doubled majored yet didn't have a plan in mind to work in either field
25- in college i peed off the roof of my dorm
26- i love to write but lately i am without inspiration
27- i love to make CD's by going thru myspace and listening to people's music and looking up those artists
28- one of my objectives in life is to live more genuine
29- i just cut and pasted some of my 50 things because i thought the order mattered
30- my favorite thing to do right now is catch up on "24" episodes
31- i have a huge crush on Jack Bauer
32- mark sent me a picture of Jack when i was at camp.
33-i wish i was more motivated to do the things my mind comes up with
34-balanced people are amazing to me
35- i go for the underdog, everytime
36-i need more personal discipline, but i am getting better
37- i love the smell of a new box of crayons, coffee, gasoline and cigars
38- my waist is too big for my hips
39- i absolutely hate to drive in reverse
40- i really think jesus is my friend these days
41- i still plan on running the "amazing race" someday
42- i still plan on learning to play the guitar someday
43-i dissappoint myself and get on my own nerves sometimes
44-i really do like kids, they are so much fun that sometimes i think i am immature
45-i like people who let you in on their faults before you actually are blown away by them
46-i wish i was a private detective. i think that would be my dream job
47- i love to analyze how people act and react
48-i go into salt and sugar craving cycles every few days
49- i think heaven will involve wind and kids and that feeling you have after you jump in the pool or go down a slide
50-i want Jesus to play a song just for me on His guitar, but when i invision this he has on jeans, sandals and his hair isn't stringy

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

i don't really have any ideas yet for this blog.
i just wanted to make sure i saved the address before someone else did.